I am Director of Advanced Memory Systems Pathfinding for Micron’s Advanced Computing Solutions Group. My group focuses on identifying advanced technologies to bring to market in the 3-5 year timeframe, particularly Processing-In-Memory (PIM) capabilities. We take an application-centric approach by quantifying the end-user benefit to adopting advanced technologies, with a particular focus on data analytics, cybersecurity, and mobile. This marries with the go-to-market strategy and provides initial IP capture and strategy, risk identification and reduction, engagement with early adopters, and quantitative understanding of the overall benefit.
Previously, I was a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, a technical staff member at SUN Microsystems and QUALCOMM. While at Sandia, I served as the Principal Investigator the lab’s DARPA UHPC Program (X-caliber), the lab’s Extreme-scale Computing Grand Challenge (XGC), and other projects DOD and DOE.
My interests include advanced R&D of computer architecture, memory systems, supercomputers, data analytics platforms at all scales, and disruptive mobile technologies. I’ve led several large multidisciplinary/cross-functional teams to successfully deploy new technologies. In 2010, I cofounded the Graph 500 benchmark which has helped to push the industry to identify and solve performance challenges with large-scale graph problems.
I am Adjunct Faculty in ECE at the Georgia Tech and and in CS at Boise State University. I was previously Adjunct Faculty in ECE at New Mexico State University. I’ve authored over two dozen papers and numerous patents. I hold a PhD in computer science and engineering, a MS, BS, and BA from the University of Notre Dame and am a Senior Member of the IEEE.